A Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) face treatment, also known as a Vampire facial, is an advanced skin treatment which is great for skin rejuvenation. For this treatment client's own blood is used to obtain platelets. PRP enhances tissue regeneration, thanks to growth factors from platelets. PRP therapy stimulates production of collagen and new skin cells
Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
Tightening and toning skin
Mild collagen and volume loss
Crow’s feet and dark under eye circles
Acne scarring
Stimulates new cell growth
Improves skin tone and texture
Improves skin complexion
Helps with first signs of ageing
Improves skin complexion
Treatment time
No. of treatments
Min. 3
Recovery time
0-1 DAYS
FROM £150
Advantages of
PRP Treatment
PRP face treatment uses your own natural resources, minimising the risk of side effects and allergic reactions.
Natural collagen production typically reduces or eliminates lines, folds and wrinkles in a gentle process with little or no swelling, bruising or lumping.

The organic nature of the procedure is ideal for those who wish to avoid synthetic products and processes.
PRP therapy is non-gender-specific, so both men and women are able to benefit and enjoy a natural, more youthful look.
PRP face treatment require no surgical interventions.
The improvement to the skin’s appearance after PRP treatment is subtle and natural, with lasting results.

What is a PRP treatment?
PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma: a natural resource which can be extracted from the blood and used for topical cell regeneration. PRP facials make use of these naturally occurring healing properties to bring back youth and radiance to the skin.
PRP face treatment are replenishing, nutrient-rich treatments, designed to make use of the body’s own natural resources and incredible capacity for healing. Using absolutely no artificial materials whatsoever, PRP face treatment are fantastic for both subdermal tissue repair, and surface concerns such as crow’s feet, dark circles, sun damage, acne scarring and obtrusive pores.
How does the PRP treatment look like?
We will take a sample of blood, the average sample size of a routine blood test.
The blood is then placed in a centrifuge for a few minutes and spun at high speed.
A sterile syringe is used to withdraw only the PRP (platelet rich plasma) from the sample.
The plasma and serum are extracted and then re-injected back into the client’s skin, which has previously been cleansed numbed using topical anaesthetic.
The whole procedure only involves needle injections to the desired areas, requires virtually no healing time and also reduces possible side effects to a minimum.
Does PRP treatment hurt?
There is some minor discomfort and a very mild stinging sensation may be felt but these are done with a very fine needle to minimise any pain. We also apply topical numbing cream to the treated area.
What are the side effects of PRP treatment?
Side effects from PRP face treatment are very mild because it is unlikely that the body will have an adverse reaction to its own materials.
At most, you may expect to experience mild to moderate swelling and/or redness or heat in the area of treatment, which are common side effects in the activation of your platelets.
In addition, because a volume of fluid is administered to the area, some bruising can occur and may take a few days to disappear.
Can PRP treatment cause allergies?
It is very much unlikely, as during the treatment only client's own blood is used to obtain the material for treatment. So it is highly unlikely that there will be a reaction to body's own product.
What's different about PRP compared to other injectable treatments or fillers?
PRP stimulates your own collagen to grow for total facial rejuvenation rather than individual area improvement. In contrast, hyaluronic acid fillers work by means of solid material that fill lines and skin folds in the face. These fillers are indicated to soften deeper lines such as the folds around the mouth area or to plump lips. They usually last from 6-18 months; repeated treatments are required to fill the area again.
PRP face treatment is more effective for volumising faces, plumping out cheek indentations, softening eye hollows, improve the overall tone, tightness, and texture of the skin, and filling in areas where hyaluronic acid fillers cannot reach or are not safe to use.
When can I see a change?
Clients will usually start to feel the immediate effects of PRP therapy after it is performed and during the next few weeks, as the collagen will begin to grow and generate more and more healthy cells underneath the skin. The full results will be visible after a completed course of treatments (min. 3).
How to prepare for PRP treatment?
To ensure that you receive the best possible results, preparation prior to treatment is a vital part of the process.
Prepare skin with the recommended skincare regime.
Avoid waxing or laser for 48 hours prior to treatment.
If you are using any product/s containing vitamin A, glycolic (or any resurfacing ingredient) as a part of your skin care regime, you are advised to stop using these for seven days prior to treatment.
Avoid anti-inflammatories (e.g. ibuprofen/aspirin) and also alcohol for 48 hours prior to treatment as this can increase the chance of bruising.
What will the skin look like after the procedure?
Immediately after the treatment, the skin is most often red and might be slightly swollen. As with any injectables bruising may appear.
Please remember:
Response and number of sessions may vary by client. Smokers may require more treatment sessions that non-smokers as tobacco smoke toxins may diminish cellular responsiveness to PRP.
Face - £150 per treatment
Anti-hair loss - £150 per treatment
When a course of treatments is purchased then a discount will be applied.